Thursday, July 21, 2011

Internet Wellness Center - Why You Should Question Popular Diets

Countries around the world are suffering from massive increases in weight gain. And the bad news here is that weight gain shows no signs of slowing down.

Unfortunately, many people would like to fix their weight issues with fly-by-night diets.

So, without further ado, here are some fad diets that might be ruining your progress:

1. Low carb diets: The biggest issue with low carb diets is a mental slow down. You see, your brain works best with a steady supply of carbs. If you take carbs out of the equation your mental performance will deteriorate significantly.

2. High carb diets: The main problem here is high levels of hunger and high levels of insulin. You get hungry because a high carb diet is more likely to spike and then drop blood sugar. And you are likely to have higher levels of insulin because of the high carbohydrate intake.

3. Low fat diets: Not only do low fat diets also make you very hungry because of faster digestion rates, but they also reduce the amount of fat burning hormones your body produces. You see, dietary fat provides the building blocks for the creation of fat burning hormones.

4. Protein powder diets: Despite all the marketing claims, following a protein shake diet is not good for you. Your body functions best when it is digesting solid food that occupies a lot of space in your stomach. If you try to survive on powders and shakes, life will be very miserable for you.

5. High fruit plans: In excess, fruit is not good for you. In fact, it can do a lot of harm because it increases triglyceride and LDL production in your body. And once this happens your health will go downhill. Unfortunately, fruit has a lot of sugar in it.

6. Starvation diets: Otherwise known as detox plans, these types of diets are not promoted within the medical community. After all, there is no research showing their effectiveness. Most likely, starving yourself will simply destroy your metabolism.

Popular diets will come and go, but basic human physiology hasn?t changed much in the last couple hundred thousand years. So think hard before going on the next fad diet!

Writer Katherine Crawford, a fitness physiologist and recent flabby arms sufferer, teaches how to tone arms. Unearth how to get sexy and toned arms by visiting her blog with advice on how to get rid of arm fat now!


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