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Luxury Real Estate Marketing: Customer Service that Sparks the RemarkWord-of-mouth is your best form of advertising as a luxury real estate marketing professional.? However, if you want people to make positive remarks about you, your service must be?
Luxury Real Estate Marketing: Is it Time to Re-invent Yourself?
Photo Courtesy of Dimrus1917 Brand distinctiveness, the way you stand out from your competition is equally important in personal branding as it is in company or product branding. ?When you?
Iconoclasts: A Lesson in Positive Expectations from David Foster, the "Hit Man"
An iconoclast is a person who challenges conventional wisdom and traditional beliefs, and often shatters the very foundations upon which traditional, institutions rest. ?Iconoclasts are?
Luxury Real Estate Marketing: Turning Tables on the Market Leader ? Part 2
We cannot emphasize enough now important it is for luxury real estate marketing professionals, who are incumbent market leaders, to get their web sites up to speed technologically and also to embrace?
Luxury Real Estate Marketing: Turning Tables on the Market Leader
To the extent that incumbent market leaders rest on their laurels, do not stay focused or do not keep up with technology, market leadership is up for grabs for any luxury real estate marketing?
Word-of-mouth is your best form of advertising as a luxury real estate marketing professional.? However, if you want people to make positive remarks about you, your service must be remarkable.
Promoting the people and the brands you like is natural because you want to share what you value the most with the people who matter most to you.? We tend to value the opinions of those people we respect. If someone you respect goes out of their way to promote something the chance is high that you will at least take the time to check it out if you also have an interest in that product or service category.
If you are in the market for a new pair of shades, you might want to check out Maui Jim.??? Alexandra purchased her Maui Jim sunglasses with the ultra-light titanium frames over six years ago.? They are great for sports like skiing and tennis because they are feather light and they are very durable.? Plus, the bronze mirrored and polarized lenses wipe out 99% of the glare and block 100% of harmful UV rays.
Recently the frame broke and the lens was starting to crack slightly.? She called the company and was asked to return them for repair.? Within a couple of days she received a phone call from a company rep with ?aloha? spirit (even though they are based in Illinois).? She was told that they would gladly replace both the lens and frame for $60, a fraction of the cost of a new pair. When they sent the glasses back (within just a few days) they were in a brand new case. ? Now, that was remarkable service from a company that stands behind its product.
Another remarkable retail experience occurred at Gelson?s market (18 stores in Southern California).? We just love their mission statement: ?To make shopping anywhere else unacceptable for consumers who value quality products, cleanliness, convenience, and personal service.? Their goal is to create an extraordinary grocery shopping experience for discerning consumers?.?
What was extraordinary?? In our Santa Barbara store, they have a wood-burning pizza oven where they make fresh Wolfgang Puck pizzas.? When we were last there one of the crew was walking up and down the aisles offering slices of pizza to customers on a silver tray, as if it was a hors d'oeuvre at a cocktail party.?? Costco has stations where you can stop by and sample food.? Trader Joes has their version of this.?? But, the simple act of someone walking up to you, like a waiter, offering you a taste of something delicious and giving you a cocktail napkin, provided a ?quality cue? that set them apart.
There is no mistaking extraordinary customer service because when it is out of the ordinary it is remarkable.? Practice spreading the word about what you value the most to those who matter the most to you. Then, think of ways you can spark the remark and trigger word-of-most advertising for your luxury real estate marketing practice.
?Buzz-Worthy Luxury Real Estate Websites?
Personal Branding Case Studies?? Company Branding Case Studies?
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Language of Luxury (LOL) is the only luxury real estate professional networking community that unites members across multiple social networking platforms through a Professional Development Resource & Media Center (LanguageOfLuxury.com), and is also OPEN TO ALL luxury real estate marketing professionals, worldwide. The purpose of LOL is to help you attract and better serve more high net worth clients. LOL was founded in 2008 by Ron & Alexandra Seigel, managing partners of Napa Consultants, International. To learn more, visit www.NapaConsultants.com |
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