Where Can I Find Love
True love is happiness, true love is sharing your world with your dearest. How do you turn friendship into love, and is there a fine line between the two? Here is a simple guide to seeking out love in your deepest of friendships.
Be considerate, caring and thoughtful towards the person. If the person is in trouble, help them out. If the person is happy, be happy with them. If they are sad, be a shoulder to cry on.
Spend a lot of time with them. If you?re really good friends with the person, go into town to catch a coffee, invite them on walks, or just invite them to your house for a bit of a catch up. The possibilities are endless ? just make sure you know them well enough to feel comfortable having deep conversations and sharing your world with them, you don?t want them to be creeped out with your sudden eagerness and interest.
Help them out once in a while. If they?re struggling in a subject at school, go over a few topics with them. If they?re having a bit of crisis in work, let them confide in you, if they?re having problems with family and friends give good, sensible advice. The bottom line is ? be caring.
Have a laugh with them ? crack jokes when together and let your walls come down, in other words be open. Have opinion, express your views and be the real you.
Eye contact is critical. Always look them in the eye. As some say, the gateway to a person?s soul, is through their eyes.
If you two become close and find love with each other, be caring, loving and friendly. Try to not have any arguments, even though they can easily happen, don?t ever cheat and always look your best for them. Respect them, guys especially love respect.
Be yourself, people can only love the real you.
Get to know the person more over a few months ? love doesn?t happen over night.
Be caring, considerate and a good person.
Dress well, and have good personal hygiene.
Have fun with the person, share your world.
Don?t skip bases, let it flow naturally
Obsession can easily happen. Don?t obsess over the person, i.e. always texting, ringing and Facebooking them. Give them space.
If you feel that the person does not feel the same as you might do, try and not be too down in the dumps, even though is hard you can get through it.
Try and stay friends, it?s the least you can do.
Wonder how you?re ever gonna find love well If you have a fb this is great for you.
If you don?t have a fb make one, by clicking on create account and enter your info.
Find a guy near you.
Ask him to meet you at a park,restaurant, etc.
When you meet him talk and get to know him.
If you aren?t compatible try these steps until you meet the right man.
Try to get to know his friends
Don?t call 24/7
He might break up with you if you are too pushy
Where Can I Find Love
Source: http://relationships.myblogzone.info/2011/08/where-can-i-find-love-2/
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